Personal Development at Nailsea School

At Nailsea School, we believe that a truly successful education goes beyond just academic achievements. Our goal is to prepare our students not just for exams, but for life. We focus on two equally important aspects of our student’s development:

  1.  Academic Success: Acquiring Knowledge and Qualifications.
    These academic qualifications open doors to further education and career opportunities. They provide our students with the knowledge and credentials needed to pursue their ambitions, whether that’s university, apprenticeships, or entering the workforce.

  2. Personal Development: Preparing our students for Life in Modern Britain.
    Equally important is our focus on personal development. We aim to equip our students with the skills and attributes needed to thrive in the wider world: These skills and attributes are crucial for navigating adult life successfully. They help them make informed decisions, build positive relationships, stay safe, and become an active, responsible citizen in our diverse society.

Personal Development at Nailsea School plays a vital role in helping our students embody our school ethos:

Aspire: Through careers guidance, student leadership opportunities, and enrichment clubs, we encourage students to aspire to their full potential. Believe: Character development, mentoring, and spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) development foster self-belief and confidence.Succeed: Our comprehensive approach equips students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in school and beyond.

Personal Development at Nailsea School includes:  

The ABSolute (Aspire, Believe, Succeed) Curriculum represents a broad personal development curriculum that extends beyond traditional subjects.

The ABSolute Curriculum ensures that our students acquire essential life skills to foster healthy personal relationships and make informed decisions. Additionally, the ABSolute Curriculum delves into topics such as finance, character development, and the understanding of diverse communities.

This empowers students to navigate the complexities of adulthood with confidence and competence. Furthermore, the ABSolute Curriculum places a strong emphasis on the promotion of British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC) development, fostering a sense of social responsibility, inclusivity, and respect among our student body.

To learn more about the Nailsea School ABSolute Curriculum – CLICK HERE

To learn more about Careers – CLICK HERE

British Values

Promoting British Values is an important aspect of our school’s approach to education, as it helps to create a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for all pupils and staff. By promoting the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance, and democracy, we are helping to prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain, and equipping them with the knowledge, skills and values they need to succeed in a diverse and rapidly changing world.

Our approach to British Values is valued by pupils, parents and staff alike, as it helps to foster a sense of belonging and community within the school and encourages pupils to develop a strong sense of social responsibility and citizenship. By providing an excellent provision for promoting British Values, we are also helping to ensure that our pupils are well-prepared for their future lives as responsible, respectful and engaged members of society

1. The Rule of Law

​This has been made by British society over many years and reflects our values. We live within the law but can also challenge it and expect a fair trial if we break it.

School emphasises rules and justice through establishing a clear behaviour policy and codes of conduct for students to follow.
Links to school values – ambition, respect, kindness, pride and community.
Assemblies on importance of rule of laws.
Standards of uniform indicate importance of acting in a respectful way.
School ethos are rooted in reciprocal morality of fairness and justice.
Rewards and sanctions in school indicate fairness and justice.
Crime and Punishment unit in year 10 RS for all students.
Organising visits from the police or relevant authorities to educate students about law enforcement and consequences e.g., PCSO speaks in assemblies about law and criminality.
Teach pupils about the importance of laws and rules, and how they are made and enforced in the UK.
Encourage pupils to understand the consequences of breaking laws and rules, and the impact that this can have on individuals and society as a whole.
Provide opportunities for pupils to explore the justice system and the role of the police and other law enforcement agencies.

2. Individual Liberty

​We choose how to live our lives, make our own mistakes but also face our own consequences too.

Student Council makes decisions on school issues.
House system promotes personal development and is a strength of our school.
Peer mentors support individuals in a number of subjects/areas.
Student leadership opportunities.
Human Rights taught in year 9 and 11 RS and year 9 History
Expression of individual belief and views encouraged in RE
Assemblies on liberty and human rights
Personal development through residential trips e.g Battlefield’s History Trip, MFL.
Fostering a culture of respect and tolerance.
Encouraging students to express their opinions and beliefs within respectful dialogue.
Providing opportunities for personal development and self-expression.
Encourage pupils to develop their own opinions and ideas, and to express themselves freely and respectfully.
Provide opportunities for pupils to make choices and take responsibility for their own actions, within a safe and supportive environment.
Promote the importance of tolerance and understanding towards people with different beliefs, cultures and lifestyles.

3. Mutual Respect and Tolerance

​Everyone is entitled to their own faiths, beliefs, sexuality and politics – so long as they don’t encourage extremism as that goes against mutual respect and law.

RS curriculum on different customs and religions.
Restorative justice used by pastoral team with students and staff.
Anti-Bullying message is clear in assemblies and in school expectations.
Clear focus on challenging homophobic. Racist and all discriminatory language.
A truly comprehensive school which treats all equally – Aspire Believe Succeed.
Celebrating diversity and fostering an inclusive environment.
Promoting understanding of different religions and cultures.
Discouraging discrimination or prejudice in any form.
Encourage pupils to recognise and celebrate diversity, and to value the contributions that people from different backgrounds can make to society.
Provide opportunities for pupils to learn about different faiths, cultures and traditions, and to explore the similarities and differences between them.
Promote the importance of treating others with kindness, empathy and understanding, and of challenging discrimination and prejudice wherever it is encountered.

4. Democracy

The ability to vote for our laws and political leaders and to become political leaders and make laws ourselves too.

Election of Student Council who help formulate decision making on school issues.
Student Council led by Sixth Form Prefects.
Modules in History on democracy in year 8 and 9.
A Level Government and Politics part of KS5 offer.
Strong emphasis on student voice to guide decisions including recruitment.
Students’ views are regularlya sought through surveys, including in faculty reviews.
Involving students in decision-making processes through student representation.
Student voice is a key part of the ABSolute Curriculum.
Teach pupils about the democratic process, and the importance of voting and active citizenship.
Provide opportunities for pupils to participate in decision-making processes within the school, such as through school councils or student leadership groups.
Promote the importance of listening to and respecting the views of others, and of working together to achieve shared goals.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) at Nailsea School

The four areas of SMSC are inter-related and should not be considered totally separate aspects. The overall ethos of the school is important and is reflected in Aspire, Believe, Succeed.

At Nailsea School, we believe that promoting SMSC development is essential to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. By fostering spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, we aim to help our students become well-rounded individuals who are equipped to navigate the complexities of the world around them. We understand that promoting SMSC development is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and we strive to provide a range of opportunities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of our students.

We believe that our approach to SMSC development is an excellent one because it is student-centered, inclusive, and responsive to the changing needs of our school community. By prioritising SMSC development, we are helping our students to become responsible and engaged citizens who are prepared to make positive contributions to society.

1. Spiritual Development

Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Encourage students to reflect on their own beliefs and values through activities such as journaling or meditation.
Provide opportunities for students to explore different religious and philosophical perspectives through assemblies, guest speakers, or visits to places of worship.
Foster a sense of awe and wonder through nature walks or outdoor learning experiences e.g., Geography Curriculum.
Many subjects contribute to ‘awe and wonder’, curiosity and reflection; valuing ideas across the curriculum (literature, arts, music, RE, history etc.)
Encourage acts of kindness and compassion towards others.
All students have timetabled Religious Studies lessons – knowledge of central beliefs, ideas and practices of major religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism).
ABSolute Assemblies – awareness of relationship between belief and actions.
Assemblies led by Connect Worker at Christmas and Easter.
Christian Union group and film club and Connect Worker based in school 2 days a week
Prayer room provision
Significant emphasis on self-knowledge in tutor time and ABSolute curriculum, careers support, PE clubs and teams.
Whole School Remembrance Service held annually.
Promotion of mindfulness or meditation sessions to help students develop self-awareness and inner calm e.g., by Pastoral Team, RE team when teaching Buddhism.
Visits to places of worship or guest speakers from different religious backgrounds to foster an understanding of different spiritual perspectives e.g., Zaid June 2023.

2. Moral Development

Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.

Promote the values of honesty, respect, and responsibility through classroom rules and expectations.
Encourage students to consider the impact of their actions on others and the environment.
Provide opportunities for students to discuss and debate ethical issues.
Encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and development.
Key principle of equality.
Behaviour management approach based on #teamnailseaexpectations.
Safeguarding using ClassChart to report concerns.
Clear rejection of bullying and policy in place with a promotion of tolerance and celebration of diversity.
Focus on moral issues in RE/ABSolute – human rights issues (History); equal opportunities issues; environmental issues; sense of fair play in PE.
Emphasis on rights, duties and responsibilities promoted throughout school.
Moral issues addressed through the curriculum and through visiting speakers e.g., Holocaust, knife crime etc.
Assembly themes delivered through tutor group led assemblies e.g., Respect.
ABSolute Extended Tutor Time curriculum
LGBT Student Group
Feminist Club (6th form student group)
Duty to the environment promoted by the Geography department e.g., tutor groups litter picking.

3. Social Development

​Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.

Encourage positive relationships between students through cooperative learning activities and team-building exercises e.g., activities week.
Promote empathy and understanding towards others through discussions about diversity and inclusion.
Foster a sense of community through school-wide events such as sports days and music concerts.
Encourage students to take an active role in their local community through volunteering or fundraising initiatives.
Timetabled ABSolute session throughout KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Well ordered community that cares for each other
Promotion of ‘Aspire Believe Succeed’ and Nailsea values.
Numerous opportunities for collaboration within curriculum and extra curricular opportunities.
Community service is emphasised.
Experiences of democracy through school council.
Links with wider community – police, Tyntesfield Medical group, OTR, Kooth.
Good relationships between staff and students
Wide range of trips and residentials
Work experience in year 10 and 12
Vertical tutor groups
DEN provision
Social thinking groups

4. Cultural Development

Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

Encourage students to learn about different cultures through literature, music, and art.
Provide opportunities for students to learn a second language.
Foster an appreciation for the history and traditions of different cultures through visits to museums or historical sites.
Appreciations of customs, beliefs and traditions etc. through RS
Opportunities to consider/explore/experience other cultures through Art/Music/Literature/MFL.
Visits to galleries/museums and theatre productions
Encouragement to take part in extra curricular activities outside of school
ABSolute Curriculum ETT.