Throughout the year there are number of information evenings for parent/carers to attend.  

Please find a downloadable version of the presentation given at this years introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme DOWNLOAD HERE

Please find a downloadable version of the presentation given at this years Induction Evening

Click Here

Usually held in Term 3, this series of events provides an opportunity for Year 9 students to consider their options for Year 10 and beyond.

There are assemblies within school and a student and parent evening with a presentation about the how the system works, alongside an exhibition of the opportunities available to students for their Level 2 learning.

Key dates
Tuesday 9th JanuaryIn SchoolYear 9 Guided Choices Assembly
Thursday 25th January After schoolYear 9 Guided Choices Evening
Tuesday 6th February 15.00Application Deadline
Guided Choices Booklet

Click for the 2024 -2026 Guide

Parents evenings are held throughout the year, with each year group receiving one evening annually. It is not always possible for parents/carers to see all of your child’s subject teachers, so it is important to focus on key areas relevant to your child. Parents Evening Appointments can be booked online through the Parents Evening System below:

You will receive school reports from all subject areas that your child studies in. Should you need to raise any concern or issue with a teacher, please contact them through the Staff Contact Directory below:

Information regarding school trips is usually shared via our ParentPay email system. It is however sometimes it is necessary for parent/carers to attend an Information Evening to have the opportunity for a two-way dialogue.

Any information regarding these evenings will be posted here.