Nailsea is a school at the heart of the community.​

At Nailsea we have an achievement focused culture where there is no ceiling on what our students can accomplish. We will never compromise on excellence so that all students thrive and achieve their absolute best.​

Through high quality teaching, strong pastoral systems and a focus on personal and social development we seek to prepare each unique student for the bright and optimistic future they have ahead of them.​

When we aspire and believe together, our community succeeds.​

To do this we must all work together as a team.

I am a resilient learner – I always try my hardest and learn to the best of my ability ​
I am here to learn: I do as I am asked, the first time I am asked ​
I am always in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing ​
I use appropriate language, I do not shout and I am polite, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when I know I should. I keep inappropriate comments to myself ​
I always have the correct equipment for lessons (pen, pencil, ruler, calculator)​
I always look smart and I am ready to learn (correct uniform, no chewing gum, no swinging on chairs, no mobile phones, headphones or ipods)​
I respect other people and consider the effect of my actions on those around me, including my use of social media​
I take pride in my work, including presentation​
I am responsible for my learning and complete my homework on time. I do not disturb or distract others when they are learning​
I know and understand what my ‘next steps’ are, to be successful in my future life​

We expect you to:  We will:  Around School:  
Be polite  ​Treat you fairly and with respect ​We are mobile phone free ​  
Show respect for others  ​Teach you well  Keep to the left in corridors ​  
Allow others to learn without distraction  ​Give you praise and encouragement  Move directly to your next lesson in an orderly way and behave sensibly ​  
Try hard and do your best  ​Help to make you feel safe  ​Eat and drink in designated areas only​(non-carpeted areas)  
Respect property and the school environment  ​Give you support when needed  Fill your water bottles only at break and lunchtimes ​  
Wear your uniform correctly  ​Provide a clean, safe and tidy environment Retrieve your belongings from lockers only at break and lunchtime in readiness for lessons ​  
Attend school and be punctual  Stay away from out of bounds areas​  

I arrive on time with the correct uniform and equipment
I am responsible for my own behaviour and I respect all members of the community
I try my best, at all times to achieve my targets

A comprehensive list of what items are needed – DOWNLOAD HERE

Click here to download the Home School Agreement