Wessex Learning Trust
Student Life Student Voice
Nailsea School Student Council
At Nailsea school we have a peer elected student’s council that meets every Monday to discuss the issues the students feel are affecting our school.
The council is led by our school presidents; these are peer elected year 13 students who have shown a passion for developing out student voice in the school. The council is made up of 4 students and 2 school captains from each house, we aim to get representation from all year groups on the council.
The council discuses a wide range of topics from revision support to peer listening and even the types of food served in the canteen. The student council members are also consulted by our senior leadership team, and issues arising from the meeting are fed back to Mrs Elliot every two weeks.
Another important aspect of the school council is fundraising and supporting the local community. The student council organise at least two charity days a year in school, including Children in need and Red Nose day, as well as helping out with many others.
They have close links with the Clevedon food bank, helping out with the Christmas hampers and are often consulted on community events and issues.
Current members of the council have said there are many benefits of our council, for example: It lets all the school years have a say in the future of our school, it gives students a voice, that it allows students to be involved in decision making in the school and maintains the school’s community feel by getting more people involved.