Wessex Learning Trust
Student Life Duke of Edinburgh Awards
Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh award at Nailsea School offers students an extra-curricular activity that provides a challenging, enjoyable and rewarding experience, allowing them to develop a wide range of skills.
At Nailsea School, we offer all 3 levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, giving students the option to start at Bronze in Year 9 or go straight onto the higher levels later on if they prefer. We also offer the award as an additional qualification for students following the alternative curriculum pathway.
The award gets students planning and completing an expedition in a wild location, learning a new skill of their choice, participating in a physical activity and volunteering within the local community.
The Duke of Edinburgh programme gives students an internationally recognised award, prized by employers, universities and colleges in addition to developing students’ social awareness through volunteering; building confidence through planning and completing their expedition, and developing perseverance and commitment to physical activities and skills.
We’re proud of the contribution the Nailsea School Duke of Edinburgh Award provides to the local community, and the futures of the students involved.